Wednesday 23 May 2012

Squelch squelch *wedgie!* squelch squelch

Dear reader,

Haha! I'm proud, I stuck to my goal and have so far written a new post every day. Well, considering my first post was yesterday its not much of an achievement... hmm.

That's not the point of this post though. Two words for ya guys, two words - sun SHINE!!! Yes that's right, this week has been one of the few days out of the year where people in Glasgow get their taps aff and toes oot cos thank God it's SUMMER!!! 

So, waking up and looking out my window I was practically blinded by the sun streaming in, then realised I got up half an hour later than I should have and rushed to get dressed. I am not a morning person. *yawns* Anyway, feeling all summery and happy I threw on my short sleeved shirt, skirt and (wait for it) tights. Yep, tights. Believe it or not my school has it written down as part of the school regulations that tights must be worn by girls all year round as part of the school uniform. How frigging annoying! I mean come on man! Don't get me wrong, the school itself is great. But the fact that the only time at school where I'm allowed to wear socks is at P.E. kind of bugs me. Especially when it's 27 degrees outside so that when I stand up to hand out a sheet in class, the lower half of my body feels damp. In the winter its great, but they should bend the rules so that we can allow our legs to BREATHE!!!

I'm really grateful that we can wear short sleeved blouses after the February break instead of long sleeved shirts with a tie though. At least the upper half of my body isn't damp. 

That's all for today, oh and if any of my teachers are reading this, sorry, but it's one of my human rights to peaceful protest. 


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