Friday 25 May 2012

Why rolling down a hill is now a safety hazard.

Dear reader,

Hello again. Ugh, I can’t believe how late it is: 11.04pm. Jesus, I was so confident that I would come home each day, do some stuff and then write this. Well, ha-ha-HA because so far so good, I have been doing that. It just so happens that each time I come to post something new it creeps up later and later. I keep getting distracted but there’s always something there in the back of my mind saying, “Do it, do it! Don’t forget! Don’t let your imaginary fans down!” So I came home after a three and a half hour dance rehearsal (of which I did less than I would have hoped…)  watched two episodes of Glee and now here I am.

So it took me a while to think of something to say, and then it hit me: what is the reason for my complete inability to use my nose today? Hmm, let me think. Oh yeah, HAYFEVER. The word makes me sick. Quite literally; I went through the equivalent of about three packs of tissues today.

You just can’t win! I mean, come on! Winter passes and you think, “Yass, the cold’s finally gone away,” and then you have about a month and a half where your nose is neither frozen, blocked of running. (Hehe, joke coming up: What do you do if your nose is running? … Run after it.) THEN Spring/Summer arrives, the pollen count shoots up and bam, we’re back where we started.

If you’re reading this and laughing in my face – well, the computer screen anyway – then stop it. There was a time where I was hayfever-free and could happily play on the awesome hill outside the house without sneezing or my eyes puffing up… then I turned seven and it all went downhill. (See what I did there? Eh? Eh?) And now every morning I have to take a tablet and then remember to out in eye drops four or five times throughout the rest of the day. Fun.

Well, thanks for bearing with today’s rant. It felt good to let it all out. Oh, and happy Friday.


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