Saturday 26 May 2012

The reason it's harder to have a social life.

Dear reader,

Ah, the time has come for me to talk about the ultimate topic: homework. The thing is, where do I begin? There's just so much I could bang on about that it would be boring. So let's keep it short and simple by saying what every 5-18 year old person thinks when the teacher walks up to the board and begins to write the task you've to do for the next time you encounter each other - NOOO!!!!!!!!

Teachers have come up with all sorts of crap for you to do, and I swear they sit down with a cuppa tea at night and think to themselves all the ways in which they can make our nights endlessly essay-filled whilst rubbing their hands together and laughing.

But not only have they come up with all sorts of crap for us to do, they have come up with stupid reasons as to why they're giving it out! Some examples include -

- so that you're parents can see what you're doing in class. (if I wanted them to know I would tell them)

-so that you can practise more of what you've been doing in class. (oh please, as if we want to sit down and do more equations)

- so that you can go over what you've done in class and anything you find tricky. (yay! more school!)

To be honest they're not bad points to make, but as a typical teenager I frankly don't care. But the thing I really hate is when they dish out bundles of exercises to do over the weekend. Are they trying to make us hate school? Do they want to ruin our weekends so that when we're out having a jolly good time we can't help but worry about the four pages of English we've to write?

Sometimes I don't think teachers realise that we have a life outside school. We have other commitments that also take up our time. For example, my entire Tuesday night is blocked up because of things I do. I literally have about 45mins between the time I arrive home after school and the time I need to leave again. During that time I have to change, possibly shower, eat something and make sure that I've got everything I need to go out. I do not have time to do maths, or history, or physics. By the time I come home at 9, I'm tired and want to watch a bit of T.V. before going to bed. But no. Instead, I have to wander upstairs  and sit at my desk for the next hour and a half working.

Unlike my previous posts I think you may have found this one interesting, and that you may relate to this post in the fact that you too hate homework.

Keep reading!



  1. hey, Olivia! love the new blog! ggrrr, i totally agree: it's like they WANT us to hate school. do they not REALISE that we have social lives and clubs and commitments we need to honour? does it register that we are still young, and we actually enjoy having time after the six hours we spend at school because it means we can mess about, get creative, relax, see friends, do sports, read, or whatever? awesome post...following! :D

  2. Olivia, you are representing the students of all world now!! Everyone has that opinion!!! Totally agree!!! That part when you say that teachers don't know that we have things to do when we are out of school...True...Kisses
